India is a secular country and the spirit of secularism is well enshrined into to the preamble of its constitution. The constitution protects the religious rights of every citizen and also gives opportunity to the minority sections to erect their educational and cultural institutions for the protection of their religion.

Religion is a private affair and anyone can choose any religion based on its belief and mental orientation. The religious rights of one community should not bulldoze the rights of others in any respect. In educational institutions and more specifically the public educational institutions education should be imparted without any religious bias because the prime motive of education is to build scientific temper by infusing reasoning in all individuals for new discoveries and innovations.

The present case of Karnataka State has posed serious questions over the secular state of India and it should be looked at from the legal and constitutional viewpoint weather by demanding religious identity in wearings is a religious right or not? The question is on the judiciary to tackle this social problem which has taken the political groundings as well. It is the new challenge for the civil services as to what they can do to live the spirit of constitution in this country.

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