Since inception of democracy the political class raises the issues and concerns of common people in the highest legislative body that is parliament. These politicians raise a number of issues relating public problems and their solutions. Over the time these legislative members have done tremendous work for the development of the country. But, what would happen if this political class starts violating ethical standards?  To this the parliament has already found solution i.e. Anti defection law.

This law was passed by the parliament in 1985 through the 52nd Constitution Amendment Act. To this tenth schedule was added into our constitution. Now this political class can be checked for their ethical behaviors on many terms. There are other laws too which regulate their behaviour. It fulfills the power distribution to legislature, judiciary and executive (minister, officers (IAS IPS IFS IRS) among others. Though there are some flaws in this but it is a nice gesture by the legislature to make rules for legislators.

 Advocate Ranjeet Singh

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